“Open Banking” is the result of a set of rules introduced on EU level by the Directive 2015/2366/EU on payment services in the international market (PSD2) as well as implementing and delegated acts for the PSD2. It defines a platform allowing more competition and innovation. It will enable personal customers and business customers to share financial information (data) electronically, securely and only under conditions that customers approve, allowing them to compare products, initiate payments and request account information. The data is shared via Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). These APIs allow certain third-parties to access financial information efficiently, which promotes the development of new apps and services.

The expected result is a better experience for customers.

Banque Havilland S.A., being subject to the PSD2, has a testing facility based on “Open Banking” standards and available for authorised third party payment service providers to test API access since March, 14th 2019.

Banque Havilland’s testing facility can be found here:

For Banque Havilland S.A. (including its UK branch): https://developer.xs2a.banquehavilland.com

For Banque Havilland (Liechtenstein) AG: https://developer-li.xs2a.banquehavilland.com

PSD2 API is live since August, 29th 2019.

The NextGenPSD2 Framework Version 1.3 offers a modern, open, harmonised and interoperable set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) as the safest and most efficient way to provide data securely. The NextGenPSD2 Framework reduces XS2A complexity and costs, addresses the problem of multiple competing standards in Europe and, aligned with the goals of the Euro Retail Payments Board, enables European banking customers to benefit from innovative products and services (‘Banking as a Service’) by granting TPPs safe and secure (authenticated and authorised) access to their bank accounts and financial data.

Statistics 2019
Statistics 2020 (old format)
Statistics 2020
Statistics 2021
Statistics 2022
Statistics 2023